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Paes, Xavier
CTK · Personne · 23 Oct 1918 - 14 Feb 1991

Fr. Xavier Paes was born John Sebastian Paes on 23 Oct 1918 in Karachi, Pakistan, to father John Braz Paes and mother Matilda Nazareth. Fr. Xavier made his solemn profession on [7/8] Sep 1940 in Alverna, Holland. He studied Philosophy and Theology in Holland and he was ordained to the priesthood on 11 Mar 1945 in Weert, Holland.

Fr. Xavier worked as a missionary and chaplain on his return to Pakistan in 1945. From 1946-1952, he was a chaplain at two Catholic institutions: St. Anthony's and St. Patrick's Cathedral in Karachi. From 1952-1956, he did missionary work in Matti, then he worked as a teacher in Sukkar until 1960. From 1960-1975, Fr. Xavier was the parish priest in Karachi. He then worked as a missionary from Hyderabad, while living in the Bishop's Residence.

In 1984, Fr. Xavier went on leave for a year and visited his relatives who were in Canada. While in Canada, he joined the friars in western Canada. He served for one year as an interim local ministry both in Victoria and Vancouver friaries in 1985 and 1986 respectively. In 1987 until his death, he stayed at St. Joseph's Friary in Victoria. Fr. Xavier died on 14 Feb 1991 in Calgary while convalescing from an illness.

Heidmeier, Boniface
CTK · Personne · 6 Dec 1880 - 18 Mar 1971

Father Boniface Heidmeier was born Hermann Joseph on 6 Dec 1880 in Westphalia, Germany. On 1 Nov 1902, Fr. Boniface took the habit in Amiens, France, and made his simple profession on 4 Nov 1903 in Clevedon, England. He obtained a degree in Dogmatic Theology and Philosophy from the International College of St. Anthony in Rome in 1903-1904. He received minor orders on 23 July 1904 at the Lateran in Rome. His solemn profession was made on 4 Nov 1906 in Quebec and he was ordained into the priesthood on 20 Dec 1908 in Quebec.

Fr. Boniface's ministries included the Thuringian Province of St. Elizabeth of Fulda in Germany, 1904-1905, and ministry to Polish Franciscans at Pulaski, 1909. In April 1909, Fr. Boniface arrived at the Franciscan mission in Lamoureux, Alberta, and supervised the construction of the first Franciscan friary and parish in Western Canada in the north Edmonton Packing Plant Mission. From 1909-1927, Fr. Boniface served various parishes and missions in Alberta in English, German, French, and Polish; the parishes and missions included Ross Creek, Chipman district, Cookville, Suckerslough, Pine Creek, Warspite, Redwater, Smokey Lake. He also conducted clergy and sisters' retreats for many years. In 1926, Fr. Boniface recruited 21 young men for St. Anthony's College in Edmonton from a series of missions in Saskatchewan.

In 1927, Fr. Boniface was sent to Vancouver where he founded St. Francis of Assisi Parish in 1936 and was its pastor for the next 25 years. St. Francis church was constructed in 1938 and St. Clare's Convent for sisters was founded in 1945. The St. Francis Parish school was built in 1945-1947. Fr. Boniface was the superior of the Vancouver's St. Francis Friary and Regional Commissary for the Third Order. In 1961, Fr. Boniface moved to St. Joseph's Friary in Victoria as the Custodial Historian.

Fr. Boniface Heidmeier died on 18 Mar 1971 in Victoria. He is buried in Ocean View Cemetery in Vancouver.

Desmarais, Frederic
CTK · Personne · 23 Oct 1901 - 27 Mar 1957

Brother Frederic Desmarais was born Joseph Desmarais on 23 Oct 1901 to Frederic Desmarais and Agnes Joyal in Quebec. He joined the Franciscan Order in June 1925 at Sherbrooke and made his solemn profession on 24 Jun 1929. Br. Frederic died on 27 Mar 1957 at Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba. He is buried in St. Charles Cemetery in Winnipeg.

Lepine, Clement
CTK · Personne · 29 Jun 1899 - 9 Jan 1963

Father Clement Lepine was born on 29 Jun 1899 in Montreal to Edmond Lepine and Lea Levasque. He entered the Franciscan Order in September 1923 and was ordained to the priesthood on 29 Jun 1930. That same year, Fr. Clement went to Edmonton, AB, where he taught at St. Anthony's College until 1939, where he also served as Rector of the College for several years.

From 1940-1942, Fr. Clement served as a missionary in Japan and was the Guardian of the Franciscan friary in Tokyo. During this period, he also spent time as a prisoner of war in a Japanese concentration camp. On his return to Canada, Fr. Clement worked with the Japanese population in New Denver, BC.

From 1952-1954, Fr. Clement was named Guardian of Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre in Cochrane, AB. In 1954, he went to St. Charles, MB, as Superior and pastor of the parish, and he remained there until he was transferred to Victoria to take charge of the newly formed St. Jean-Baptiste Parish.

Fr. Clement passed away suddenly in Victoria on 9 Jan 1963. He is buried in Ocean View Cemetery in Vancouver.

Puech, Leonard
CTK · Personne · 8 Nov 1902 - 27 Apr 1984

Fr. Leonard Marie Puech was born Charles Louis Marie on 8 Nov 1902 in Malben, France. He took the habit on 7 Sep 1921 and made his solemn profession on 8 Sep 1925. Fr. Leonard was ordained in Montreal on 25 Jul 1928.

Fr. Leonard taught at various places including Montreal (1930-1931), San Antonio, Rome (1931-1934), and Quebec City (Dec 1934-Apr 1935). In the summer of 1945, Fr. Leonard was appointed Visitator General of the Province of the Holy Gospel in Mexico. From 1945-1949, he was the Definitor Provincial of that Province, and later the Custos from 1949-1951. Starting in 1954, Fr. Leonard spent much of his time preaching in Canada, USA, Mexico, and Colombia. In 1957, he was appointed Visitator General of the Province of the Holy Gospel in Mexico once more.

From 1958-1961, Fr. Leonard was the professor of theology at Regina Cleri Major Seminary. In 1961-1967, he was the Custodial Councillor and served various other roles including Vicar, Master of student priests, clerics, and brothers, Spiritual director, Rector of the Seminary, and Guardian of the friary. In 1972, Fr. Leonard moved to Vancouver and was the parish assistant and author of a weekly column on spiritual life in the BC Catholic paper.

Fr. Leonard died on 27 Apr 1984 and is buried in Oceanview Cemetery in Vancouver.

Brochu, Edmond
CTK · Personne · 4 Aug 1927 - 30 Oct 1975

Fr. Edmond Brochu was born on 4 Aug 1927 in Colonsay, SK, to Albert Brochu and Laura Desrochers. He made his solemn profession on 4 Oct 1959 in Montreal and was ordained to the priesthood on 24 Aug 1960 in Saskatoon.

From 1960-1961, Fr. Edmond taught Pastoral Theology at Regina Cleri Major Seminary. In 1961, he moved to St. Francis Friary in Edmonton where he served in various capacities. Fr. Edmond was the assistant pastor of St. Francis Church; he taught at St. Anthony's College, Archbishop O'Leary high school, and St. Joseph's Composite high; was director of the Secular Franciscans in Edmonton. He led the Cursillo movement in Edmonton and was active in founding and maintaining the Vanier House.

In 1973, Fr. Edmond was appointed guardian of St. Francis Friary in Winnipeg and the Provincial director of the Secular Franciscans there. He was also chaplain for the Marymount Home for Girls and a team member for the Marriage Encounter Program.

Fr. Edmond died on 30 Oct 1975 in Winnipeg after an extended illness with cancer. He is buried in the Mount St. Francis cemetery in Cochrane.

Galvin, John
CTK · Personne · 17 Jun 1918 - 29 Jan 1989

Fr. John Forest Galvin was born Henry George Galvin to James Patrick Galvin and Olive May Arguin on 17 Jun 1918 in Montreal. He made his solemn profession on 10 Sep 1944 and was ordained to the priesthood on 8 Apr 1945. Fr. John received a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy from Loyola College and a Master of Sociology degree from Laval University.

From 1945-1946, Fr. John taught at St. Francis College in Biddeford, and taught at St. Leonard's College in Montreal in 1946. In 1946-1948, Fr. John became the assistant pastor at Immaculate Conception church in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In 1948-1953, he served as the pastor at Beverly church, and the founder and pastor of St. Clare's Parish in Edmonton, Alberta. In 1953-1954, he became the assistant pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Maillardville, BC. In 1954-1961, he was the pastor of St. Anthony's Church in Trail, BC. In 1961-1963, he was the pastor of St. Francis Parish in Vancouver, BC. In 1967, Fr. John was elected as the Provincial of Christ the King Province, which he served as until 1973. In 1973 until his death, Fr. John was the associate pastor of St. Francis Parish in Edmonton, Alberta.

Fr. John Galvin passed away from a cardiac arrest at the Grey Nuns Hospital in Edmonton on 29 Jan 1989. He is buried at the Mount St. Francis Cemetery in Cochrane.

Fuchs, Oswald
CTK · Personne · 5 Feb 1914 - 12 Jun 1993

Fr. Oswald Fuchs was born Peter John Fuchs in Sedley, SK, on 5 Feb 1914 to Adam Fuchs and Katherine Bast. He attended St. Anthony's College in Edmonton from 1926-1931, then studied to receive a Bachelor's degree in Laval in 1932-1935. On 18 Aug 1935, Fr. Oswald made his solemn profession. He then began his studies in Theology at the Franciscan seminary in Montreal and was ordained to the priesthood on 2 Jul 1939 in Regina.

Fr. Oswald continued his studies, receiving a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta, 1945; a MA in Education from the Catholic University of America, 1947; and a PhD in Philosophy from St. Bonaventure University in New York, 1950.

Fr. Oswald had an extensive teaching career. He taught at St. Anthony's College until 1960 and was the principal of SAC from 1960-1967. Fr. Oswald was also the Assistant Pastor at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Edmonton in 1965-1967. From 1968-1969, Fr. Oswald took a position teaching Philosophy in Grande Prairie and again in 1971-1972. He also served as the first principal of Newman Theological College, which opened in 1969, for a year until 1970.

In 1974-1978, Fr. Oswald was the assistant and Pastor of St. Francis Parish in Vancouver. He then served as the Guardian of St. Francis Friary in Winnipeg from 1978-1986. From 1986-1989, Fr. Oswald was the Pastor of St. Francis Parish in Calgary. Then in 1989 until his death in 1993, Fr. Oswald resided at Mount St. Francis in Cochrane and worked as the archivist.

Fr. Oswald Fuchs passed away on 12 Jun 1993. He is buried in the Franciscan cemetery at Mount St. Francis, Cochrane.

Cayer, John Capistran
CTK · Personne · 17 Apr 1900 - 13 Apr 1978

John Capistran Cayer was born on 17 April 1900 in Capelton, Quebec. He began his studies at the Seraphic College in Trois-Rivieres in 1912. On 14 Aug 1919, Cayer took the habit and made his profession on 14 Aug 1920. He was ordained to the priesthood on 11 Jul 1926.

Not long after, in 1927, Cayer came to St. Anthony’s College in Edmonton, where he taught and served successively as Prefect, Rector, and Superior. He added a new wing to College in 1931.

From 1939-1941, Cayer studied Theology in Innsbruck, Austria. Upon his return to Canada, he taught at Regina Cleri Major Seminary in Regina from 1941-1945.

In 1945, he was appointed Commissary Provincial of the Franciscans in the west. Three years later, on 2 Aug 1948, he was elected by the Chapter to be Provincial of St. Joseph’s Province and was based in Montreal.

John Capistran Cayer was consecrated on 17 Sep 1949 as Bishop of Cissi and Vicar Apostolic of Egypt. He served in this role from 1949 until his death.

He died on 13 Apr 1978 and is buried in Alexandria, Egypt.

Claude-Laboissiere, Alphonse
CTK · Personne · 28 Mar 1901 - 5 Aug 1962

Alphonse Claude-Laboissiere was born on 28 Mar 1901 in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec. He took the habit on 27 Aug 1922 and was solemnly professed on 28 Aug 1926. Fr. Alphonse was ordained on 30 Sep 1928 in Montreal.

In 1929, Fr. Alphonse went to St. Anthony’s College in Edmonton where he served as professor, Prefect of discipline, rector, and Prefect of studies. In 1939, he was sent to Winnipeg where he was one of the founders of the friary and vicar of St. Mary’s Cathedral.

In June 1940, at the start of the Second World War, Fr. Alphonse joined as a military chaplain. From July 1940 to April 1941, he was the chaplain to the Quartiers Generaux de Montreal, Grenadiers de Montreal and the Canadian Forestry Corps, Valcartier, Quebec. In April 1941, he sailed to Glasgow, Scotland, as the chaplain of the Forestry Corps and as the acting chaplain of the Free French and Belgian troops. In Aug 1943, Fr. Alphonse became the chaplain to troops in Algeria at the Canadian base in Philippeville, and he was also the acting senior chaplain in North Africa. In Jan 1944, he served as the chaplain to the Royal Canadian 22nd Regiment (the Van Doos), stationed at Avellino, Italy, and later on the front lines on the Adriatic. Fr. Alphonse was wounded in Mar 1944 at San Nicola at the Battle of Ortona by shrapnel. On 25 Apr 1944, he was promoted to acting senior chaplain and temporary Lieutenant-Colonel of the 1st Canadian Army Corps in Italy. On 15 May 1944, he was promoted to Major and the senior chaplain in charge of reinforcements and Canadian hospitals in Italy and Africa. In Jan 1945, Fr. Alphonse was evacuated to a military hospital in Colchester, England, for war wounds and cardiac problems. He returned in Canada in April 1945.

On his return to Canada, Fr. Alphonse was appointed the Guardian of St. Francis Friary in Edmonton and the rector of St. Anthony’s College. In 1948-1955, he was elected as the Commissary Provincial of western Canada. During this time, beginning in 1948, Fr. Alphonse began discussions to build a retreat house in the Rockies. As a result, Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre was founded in Cochrane, Alberta, and Fr. Alphonse was appointed the first Superior of the retreat. From 1955-1962, Fr. Alphonse was at St. Charles, Manitoba. In Feb 1962, due to poor health, he moved to stay at the infirmary at the friary in Rosemont, Montreal.

Fr. Alphonse died on 5 Aug 1962 in Montreal. He is buried in the Mount St. Francis Cemetery in Cochrane, Alberta.